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Debut Album,
For Now & Forever 
Streaming on Apple Music & Spotify


Breath Of Every Earth

Breath of Every Earth came to me from another realm when I was in a profoundly deep meditation at Dolores Park in San Francisco. One of the intentions behind the song is to induce a state of trance within the psyches of listeners. The lyrics in the song are meant to simultaneously explore the mystery of existence, convey the ineffable in language, and also dissolve the thinking mind through abstraction. I hope listeners are able to find a deep state of meditation and awe through Breath of Every Earth. The song discusses the painful state of the world and the disconnection from nature and how the ‘breath’ may be one powerful, healing solution to our plights and all-pervading feeling of separation. 


The Timeless Time

The Timeless Time was inspired, in part, by a complete ego-death experience I had that simulated the psycho-emotional experience of dying. It fundamentally shifted my relationship to life and mortality and what happens after we cease to live. Another one of the song’s themes is animism, the idea that everything and every being is alive and has creative agency. My hope is that when folks listen to The Timeless Time, the cosmology that the song conveys, both familiar and mysterious, provides solace to anyone grappling with living and dying- in particular, as it relates to the profound amount of suffering in the world due to climate crisis and our broken systems. The Timeless Time suggests a new way and a new feeling forward.

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